Thursday 30 October 2014

New Release: HTTPS Site Migration

Moving Over to a Secure Website

Our sysadmin has been very busy lately and has now completed the migration from http over to https which is more secure for our visitors with a secure connection being the default. The migration was quite simple because our code base does not use magic numbers or strings so all URL are references to a variable which is replace with the URL contained in the configuration.
comodo secure logo icon
Secure Website
Enabling a secure connection by default is the way forward so we decided to make the move over now. We use Apache SSL and SPDY as a module to help speed up connections from clients who support the protocol.

Testing has been accomplished by using a clone of the live server running inside a VM instance, we like to use Virtualbox for VMs although it is now owned by Oracle not Sun it is still open source and a great bit of software that I find very useful.

Setting Up Apache

We already have a setup for the secure site because it is used to process our payments securely although all other traffic is redirected to the non secure site.

We edited /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf to configure the protocols we support and to disable ones which have vulnerabilities like POODLE. Here is a snipit of the configuration file.

SSLProtocol all -SSLv3 -SSLv2

SSLHonorCipherOrder on


Next we needed to install a copy of mod-spdy for any user agents who support it

dpkg -i mod-spdy-beta_current_amd64.deb

Our rewrite file on the non secure site looks like this now it just 301 redirects all requests to their secure equivalent.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

SPDY for Apache

Installing this has really improved our website response time and it just seems snappier than the non secure site we installed a mod-spdy package but SPDY only works with modern browser but we do not support old browsers any more so this is not a problem.

The source code for it and the packages are available and it has now been donated to the Apache foundation from Google. You can download the 64bit deb package here this is the one we used since we have 64bit Debian.

Site Config

This was simple and we only have two string representing the sites full URL one in the main PHP config file and another in the SiteConfig JavaScript class file. This approach also simplified when we moved over the domain name from to


Porting our website code over to HTTPS has been quite a simple process in the end this was helped by us not using string literals as our URL and instead using a token which uses a value in the sites configuration so all we did was change one string and they all changed.

Remember to never use magic strings or numbers in your code and abstract away a bit because it does come in handy sometimes.

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