Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New Feature Release: Update Homes via Form

Basic Wiki Like Features

Our latest release has added support for updating or adding new homes to the directory via an online form rather than relying on home owners and managers emailing us.

We use a staging table as a buffer between our live database and the new data which is reviewed by us before being copied over into the main database. We hope this will prevent abuse because any changes are reviewed.

In future versions we plan on adding to our data set as to make our visitors as informed as possible on what a home has to offer residents. We currently collect specialisms such as Dementia Care and also activities a home may offer but we would like to add facilities to our listings.

Below is a screen shot of a listing page for a random home I have highlighted the link for editing the listings details.

Edit Home Link screen shot of listing page
Edit Home Link
When you click the link you are presented with the wiki form for editing the existing homes details and the form is pre populated with the relevant data for the home making it easier to edit.

If you do not pass an id then it will create a new home. Below is another screen shot this time its the actual form used.

Screen shot of the new form for editing and adding new homes to the database
New Form
Any visitors to the website are permitted to submit a new home or edit an existing homes details in fact we encourage our visitors to amend any mistakes or missing information although we cannot guarantee that all submission will be added.

We also hope any home owners or managers will take advantage of this feature to show case their home to potential residents or their families.

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