Friday, 5 July 2013

New Feature Release: RSS and Atom News Feeds

Providing Care and Nursing Related News Syndication

Our release yesterday of The Care Homes Directory care and nursing related news system we have already add a new feature in the form of an RSS and Atom news feeds allowing users and care providers to access our news directly.

If you are a care provider working in the care and nursing home industry, website maintainer or a care agency are also welcome to use our feed on their own website the links below can be used to access our feeds (Our RSS news feed) (Our Atom news feed)

These feeds provide access to our news headlines which is a collection of the 13 most recent news articles from all categories.

As one of the leading care and nursing home websites we hope this feature of our website help provide fresh content to keep our visitors up to date with current affairs. We will be writing a blog post on this release in more detail soon.

Thank You

A screen shot of our RSS news feed in a Firefox browser.

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